This project was a rapid prototyping project to identify a potential space in a community to enhance their socializing nature and create a quick mockup to intervene. For testing purposes, Instagram was used.
Product Designer
-Primary research
Mar-Apr 2023 (6 weeks)
Being a rapid prototyping project, I researched competitors in the social space best known for connecting individuals across the world and mapped out user archetype
Formed a user journey and tested the feature intervention.
My Role
Instagram is a photo & and video sharing social networking platform that connects people across the world virtually.
Challenges faced by users-
Content overload
Maintaining authenticity
Algorithm changes
Negative comments
Today, we meet people globally and interact with them in a virtual social space. When we attend talks of people, we make pointers or notes to recollect later. Why can't we have a space to remember some specific details of the person we meet online to facilitate the chat the next time on the same platform?
Research Prompt
How might we help people improve their interactions with those they meet online with an effective memory retrieval cue?
Stage 1
- Domain idenitification
- Competitor and analogous apps study
- Theory of change
Stage 2
-Modalities and archetype
-Ecosystem mapping
- User Journey Mapping
Stage 3
- Wireframes
In competitor space, it was an extremely crowded market with touchpoints varying from goals of isolated small cultural groups to global broadcasts.
29 competitors taken into consideration for research
Chat history, search option, biodata, and group description features were overviewed carefully
Profile name and picture, status, and contact number (optional) were the only common information modules provided in all these platforms
Grouping: Audience number

Grouping: Type of chat

In Analogous space, there were extended platforms around community sharing without the sole focus of social chatting
30 analogous platforms taken into consideration for research
Biodata/ description/ features, history part of the conversations overviewed carefully
There was a spectrum from specific audience connections to entirely ignoring the users.
Grouping: Type of chat

Competitive auditing
Value provided by the businesses
Facilitation of virtual interaction via multimodal system of voice, vision, and auditory means
Communication with external memory storage by humans
Different purposes of gathering involving basic human needs and extended factors around amusement and information
Target Experience of the businesses
A user-friendly and engaging experience that keeps users coming back to the platform
Encourage users to spend time on the platform, engage with content, and interact with advertisers.
Help users build and maintain their online presence
Inspiration for new thinking
Effective collaboration
Personalizing the space
Directed storytelling & and referencing
Theory of change
Theory of change focused on User-Centred Design
Social connecting space uses the following theories of change:
Behavioral Design
Persuasive Design
Mindsets and roles users embody in the system of Instagram
Archetype - Explorer

User Journey
Instagram stands for Creation, Community, Freedom and Validation

Rapid Ideation

Saving message feature
Can add individual chat messages to ‘My Notes’ section for saving the information
Value to the user
Save important messages: Saving an address or birthdate, making it easier to find and reference later
Organize conversations: To keep track of different topics and preferences of the connection
Keep track of business inquiries: Save messages from potential customers or collaborators, making it easier to track inquiries and respond in a timely manner.
Reference past conversations: Making it easier to remember details or refresh the memory on a previous discussion.
Personalized 'My Notes' feature
One can add personal notes about a user to remember some points about them
Value to the user
Remember important details: Add personal notes to make it easier to remember important details about the person
Enhance communication: Referencing the notes making the interactions more personal and meaningful.
Strengthen relationships: Add personal notes to demonstrate the care and value for virtual connections
Improve networking: Add industry or area of expertise, making it easier to network and connect with like-minded individuals

Project Learning:
It would be interesting to know how users would envision using this feature in real-world scenarios. Conducting user research could provide valuable insights for further development.
User privacy should be a top priority. Clear guidelines and permissions around note ownership and visibility are crucial
Adding another feature may introduce clutter and complicate the app's interface. Careful design and integration are essential.
Personal notes could be misused for negative purposes, like stereotyping or judgment. Implementing safeguards to encourage responsible use would be crucial.
It would be a fascinating topic to further explorthe potential impact of "My Notes" on user behavior and communication patterns on Instagram.
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